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mati tenggelam bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mati tenggelam"
  • In which case, you're likely to drown.
    Dlm kasus yg sama, kau Kemungkinan mati tenggelam
  • Nanny Taylor has drowned herself in the bath.
    Nanny Tailor, mati tenggelam di bak mandi.
  • The nightclub hostess from the sunken car!
    Dia "Pelacur" yang ikut Mati Tenggelam di Mobil!
  • He was only 8 and he drowned to death!
    Umurnya baru 8 tahun dan ia mati tenggelam!
  • Cuz if you sink, you die.
    Bukankah jika terjatuh ke dalam air bisa mati tenggelam?
  • He's supposed to have died yesterday, drowned in that container.
    Harusnya kemarin ia mati, tenggelam dalam kontainer itu.
  • She wanted us dead and underwater, so we'd suffer.
    Dia ingin kita mati tenggelam, sehingga kita akan menderita.
  • They will drown in their own blood.
    Mereka akan mati tenggelam dalam darahnya sendiri.
  • We intercept that dope, he is dead in the water.
    Kita cegat narkotika itu, ia akan mati tenggelam.
  • You telling me she ain't done drowned?
    Kau mengatakan padaku dia tidak mati tenggelam?
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